Our babies are growing up fast and quickly becoming best friends - we're moving from Fall into Winter, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, into a new year - where Mina will turn 1 and Ayden will turn 3. It's amazing how time flies!
Ayden is talking up a storm and Mina is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up onto everything. She's starting solid foods and absolutely loves her mommy and daddy and especially her big brother. She's got such a personality - my little diva. Here are some pictures and videos to tickle your fancy - I'm sure we will have plenty more where that came from as the season moves forward :)
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Our first trick or treat experience with both kids was a success! We went around the neighborhood some and got some candy (and even toys) from very gracious givers - it was great! Despite the rainy weather we still got both kids dressed and had a blast showing them off to the neighbors! Halloween is my favorite day so I look forward to the years when the kids actually know what's going on - I sense some decorating, pumpkin carving, and lots of trick or treating in the future!
Here they are - Mina the ladybug and Ayden the pumpkin! I think they're adorable!
Where HAVEN'T we been is really the question! I'm so excited to be back on. I've made a lot of changes to the blog - as you can see - and it's become my top priority to keep up with it and add new pictures and videos of our beautiful, growing family.
Mina and Ayden are doing fabulous as are Ali and I. We have moved recently and are now settled in a home that better suits are needs. Ali is working hard and the babies are growing fast. Ayden just turned 2 last week and has now started preschool! He has started talking - I love hearing him say Mama! He's so friendly and loves to say hello, bye bye, and thank you! Mina is a big girl - smiling and laughing - and already crawling at 5 months! She's beautiful and is looking more like her big brother everyday. They have so much fun together! I love watching them grow and being a mother is truly inspiring - I could not see my life any other way. I plan on posting plenty of new pictures and videos so bear with me - but for now - enjoy a few and take a look at the new layout - I promise to continue to change it and make it beautiful - being able to blog about my life that I so love has been an amazing experience. Thank you for bearing with us during our long pause - but we're back, welcome to our world again! Please keep it here for new pictures and videos very soon - for now, have a sneak peek!Our beautiful growing boy!
A happy grandma!
She's so beautiful - our best Mina Grace!
Ayden blowing out the candles on his 2nd birthday!
Things have been so busy - I'm so sorry for the lack of updates and pictures. The kids are doing great! Mina is getting so big - she's chubby and just has the sweetest personality. I absolutely love her smile! She's a pretty good sleeper for the most part but I think she's starting to teeth. It was horrible with Ayden so I hope it's a little better for her. Ayden is doing fabulous although he still doesn't talk much - he says a few things. He starts preschool on October 19 and we're really excited about that! He's going two days a week for 3 hours a day - and he'll get a lot of interaction with other kids and a really nice structured curriculum. We had a great time at the beach and we are currently in the middle of a move - we're going to a new townhouse that has a better floorplan for us, and Ayden will have his own playroom. I'm so excited about that - we move this week and next! Here are some new pictures for now and hopefully I'll be able to catch up soon and post more!
Our baby girl has started smiling and has such a sweet and loving personality - she's truly a Momma's Girl right now but that may change in the future. She's 11lbs 5oz and 23 inches long with a huge full head of hair - and she's just a sweetheart. She loves the hanging zebra on her bouncy chair and laughs at him...it's so cute.
Anyhoo - here are some pictures of our smiling girl.
Well, the hot days of summer have arrived! We have a lot planned for our now family of 4 for the next few months! We're having some pals over for July 4 to meet Mina, that should be fun, and then Ali got tickets to a professional soccer game in Washington D.C. that he's excited about on July 29...and then my Mommy's Day gift this year was a ticket to see American Idol on August 4...yay for a night off, I'm so psyched about it! We head off to our yearly beach vacation in the Outer Banks from August 8-15 - way excited for that too. I can smell football season already!
Mina has half smiling now, she's so sweet, and she's sleeping in her own bed (waking up twice a night) which is awesome! Ayden is going over to her, bending down and saying "hi baby." I LOVE it! He is such a good big brother! He's also pointing to her toes and saying "Toe" - but he doesn't do it on cue - someday I'll catch it on film!
Anyhoo, here's a few updated photos of our babies - growing so fast - can you believe in 4 months Ayden will be 2?! Stop the clock!
Our little girl is one month old! She's growing great - at her weigh in she was 9lbs 11oz and 22 inches long. She's precious and such a wonderful addition to our family and her big brother absolutely loves her. He's always rubbing her head and kissing her when she gets upset. She's starting to get quite a personality - I think she's a lot like her daddy, just like Ayden is! We still don't know what color her eyes are - I have a funny feeling they're brown.
Here are some new pictures of both Mina and Ayden (who is now 20 months old, only 4 months until he's 2 years old - that's crazy!) - enjoy!
Even though Ayden has been acting out a LOT lately to get attention - he truly loves his sister and she's a cutie at that - she has her eyes open a lot more lately and has had more awake time during the day which is great - we're getting to know her and we can't wait until she gives us a sincere smile, I can already tell when she has gas that she has such a beautiful little grin!
Enjoy some new pictures!
So I finally did it - I put bows in Mina's hair - I couldn't help it! I have to admit, they're so cute! Here's some other pictures as well...we're exhausted but absolutely loving life with our babies! Also some pics from Mothar Joon (I think I'm spelling this wrong, Ali's mother!) visiting over the week! Enjoy!