Well, they scheduled a c-section for May 20, 2009 at 9 AM. I am hoping to labor on my own before then and have her naturally. I am really dreading the c-section - so everyone hope and pray for us that we will have a more pleasant birth experience this time around, no matter what happens.
Also, this is my actual due date, so the ticker on the right of the blog, and the "days left" will officially tell you how much longer we have until the c-section. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that self-induction will work.
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Well, here it is! I absolutely love it and want to thank my mom, my husband, and especially my mother-in-law who were so patient with me and helped me buy the items. I know she won't know the difference ultimately - but I never expected to have a baby girl...and I want to treat her like a baby girl :) I admit that having a lot of pink is still really weird to me but it's kind of neat and exciting and I wouldn't give up that feeling for anything! I still have a few more items to get such as a white lamp to replace the one in there and some other receiving blankets, burp cloths, etc, but for now, we are almost there. I don't have any pictures of her closet because it is still a work in progress with organizing, making sure we have her clothes, etc and so forth, so it's a bit of a tornado at the moment. We have about 8 weeks left til she's born. You can track the pregnancy on the right side of our blog under my pregnancy ticker!
Without further ado...
The view from the door:Her changing table area:
I just absolutely love the wall hangings here - they match the rack over the changing table, the people who made it are awesome!
And her socket covers are in her theme - I love these too...they're so cute!
Little one is becoming just like his daddy - how appropriate! He's a great soccer player but before he would only kick and smile. Way back when, however, his daddy would yell "GOAL!!" whenever he would kick in my belly - and how he yells "GOAL - BOOYAH!!" - Ayden has caught on :) Check out this video of his reaction, even though we're not sure what he's really saying, we're pretty sure he's trying to mimic his daddy :)
Also below - enjoy my alien belly. Mina is truly making her mark in there! I'm not sure what's up with the quality of the belly videos but they were taken on my cell phone - so it might look a little weird! Also, a picture of my 31 week belly - 6-9 weeks to go but I'm not ready yet! The doctor is going to let me attempt a natural birth up until a little after 40 weeks ... if she hasn't come on her own yet (she BETTER, I don't want another c-section) - our c-section date will either be May 22 or May 26 - but we're hoping she'll just migrate on down on her own, if you know what I'm saying :)
We got to see our little girl today - in 3/D! The imaging place we go to for regular ultrasounds offered a one-time-only complimentary session with images and some video on DVD! It was wonderful. She is gorgeous, I can tell already (yep, I'm biased, but that's okay!) - she so looks like her daddy and I can see Ayden in her too. She was such a good girl and gave us some great shots. She was definitely sleepy but I loved seeing her - and she is getting pudgy, looking about the same size as Ayden was (yikes!). She is head down, which is great! She's truly precious and we are very much in love with her! So without further ado, meet Mina Grace ... in technicolor :)
This is her foot, in case you can't tell!This is her little hand over the face!
This is her arms by her head!
She's all snuggly in there - look at her features, that's Ali!And little Mina Grace - in video! I have lots of video but it's hard to upload, so this is just a teaser for now :)