Welcome to our World!

Our family, our life - we welcome you!

Our babies are growing up fast and quickly becoming best friends - we're moving from Fall into Winter, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, into a new year - where Mina will turn 1 and Ayden will turn 3. It's amazing how time flies!

Ayden is talking up a storm and Mina is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up onto everything. She's starting solid foods and absolutely loves her mommy and daddy and especially her big brother. She's got such a personality - my little diva. Here are some pictures and videos to tickle your fancy - I'm sure we will have plenty more where that came from as the season moves forward :)

Our first trick or treat experience with both kids was a success! We went around the neighborhood some and got some candy (and even toys) from very gracious givers - it was great! Despite the rainy weather we still got both kids dressed and had a blast showing them off to the neighbors! Halloween is my favorite day so I look forward to the years when the kids actually know what's going on - I sense some decorating, pumpkin carving, and lots of trick or treating in the future!

Here they are - Mina the ladybug and Ayden the pumpkin! I think they're adorable!