I hear something .... it's the little whisper - a faint, but beautiful sound - the sound of our son's voice, speaking to us! I wish he could actually say words that make sense - the goo goo, gah gah, BAH BAH, is a little bit hard to understand - but it really is the best thing. Recently Ayden has started making the cutest sounds - little razzles, little coos, that he didn't use to do before. He really is trying. He looks up at me - with those blaring brown eyes - as if he is trying to say something - as if he thinks I understand. When I peer back down - he reaches his arms up for me now - I feel so loved each time. He has reached so many milestones!
He has perfected crawling.
He can pull himself to a standing position.
He can pull himself from lying down to a sitting position - he does this on the diaper changing table and in his crib - diaper changes are so difficult now, and we had to move the crib down a notch. He's a smart boy!
He is slowly trying to crawl up the steps - this usually leads to his little boom boom hitting the ground in a hard thump after he loses his balance - it is adorable.
He has also learned to cough for attention. How lovely. He knows I jump if he chokes on something, so needless to say, this has become his attention-getting mechanism.
He loves to hit things, especially the edge of the treadmill. We're not sure his motive here. Ha.
He loves his cat - he will go to the cat's gate and climb up, shake it, and scream to me out of anger that he can't get to the cat - instead he sticks his hands through the gate while the kitty cat rubs against him.
He has also learned what kisses are. I say "gimme a kiss!" and he'll grab my face and pull me in. I love his little kisses - they're wet - but the best.
He is such a great baby. He is having some sleep difficulties when he's alone in his crib and since he sprouted his 5th tooth - is still having issues with his teeth. He is so cute with his little buck teeth up front.
But what a great thing - to see the little human you created ... growing, learning...imitating. I am such a proud mommy.
Meet my Family!
Here we are - my family of four - happy as we can be - living the life as parents - with our beautiful children, Ayden and Mina. Enjoy reading about how our life has changed and will continue to become more wonderful in the future!
My Life!
Mina Grace!
Ayden Ali!
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