Welcome to our World!

Our family, our life - we welcome you!

I think we have the classic" daddy's boy" syndrome on our hands! I always thought this little one was a momma's boy - since he sees me all day and daddy at night and on the weekends. I always thought he wanted MY attention. Well that's changed! Yesterday when Ali came home - Ayden immediately started crawling towards him, hoopin' and yellin' for him. When Ali looked at him and said he was going up the steps to change his clothes, and then disappeared, Ayden immediately started to cry and scream - and quickly cruised to the end of the kitchen, around the corner, and started to struggle up the steps - screaming all the way. Ali put his head outside the bathroom door and said he'd be right there - and little one got so excited, then he disappeared again, and he screamed to get up the steps. It's amazing. He's growing so fast and so much and he just loves his daddy now - I think he still loves me, what do you think?!

And of course he loves his daddy - and looks like him too!
He can do magic tricks! (Doesn't it look like the spoon is balancing on his head?!)
I guess he still loves me if he still smiles at me!
He's our little tax deduction - but we love him more than that!
Sweet face boy...
He's so tall and handsome!
He makes life worth living, no matter who he loves more!


What are you talking about? He's Aunt Ally's boy. He loves ME the most!!!!
