Welcome to our World!

Our family, our life - we welcome you!

Wow, where has the time gone? Our baby is growing up so fast - he's gone from this innocent little pint sized bean in the crib - to a crawling, cruising, cooing little cutie who has so much to say and do. He is amazing. I can't believe he came from us.

He has learned to say "dada" all the time - really, that's all he ever says. He looks up at Ali and says "Dada" all the time. I think he has forgotten how to say "Mama" and I really miss that. Still, yet still, he looks up to me with those puppy eyes - and sweetly reaches up - and as I pull him in and give him those big hugs and kisses that he seems to crave - I know he knows - and remembers where he came from, and who could never live without him.

Here are some new photos of our boy and what he's been up to - he's into everything!